Friday, May 10, 2013


The media sends a clear message to every male  Women can get by without you.    Not just regarding  finances, but somet This is the typical Lesbian Taunts which Ive discussed for decades.  PLUS, there is no reverse taunting by men. A Femme Posted this,  which obviously suggests that Men Should be dead.. This is typical abusive Feminazst Propaganda.  They are clearly trying to INTIMIDATE men. This serves as an example of the typical immaturity shown by womens groups. Here we go, again...  The man is considered to be Lower than a rat... This is PURE INEQUALITY.   any anthems for women should be considered UNFAIR.    (especially to the male Youth). This is a direct taunt, which was meant to send a discouraging message to the male viewer. This picture suggests that Lesbians are the chosen ones.  They  somehow see themselves as a master race. Theres a great deal of dogma which claim that every woman can find a better relationship if she seeks another woman instead of men. This is a fake photo.  The ladies here are NOT gay. BUT, why do our magazines depict these images?  It just doesnt make any sense. Lesbianism is designed to TAUNT men.  Ha, ha.  shes taking my girlfriend away from me.  Ive been telling people this for years... Their stealing the expression Girls Rule , and replacing it with something far worse.... This is the absolute most offensive theme.  Women are TAKING other women away from men. always in the mood, right?  For years, Ive been telling people that Lesbians have sex vastly more often than they really want it. Womens groups are opposed to Sex-object themes, BUT THEN, they treat eachother with a similar mindless disrespect. Heres the same theme,,,,, women are trying to FORCE other women into becoming gay.   Thats called Rape.  And, its If you claim that the gay rights issue is valid, just look at this picture which suggests lesbians are a superior being.. Whenever a woman is BISEXUAL,,  she still taunts men with the Lesbian theme.   Has anyone ever noticed this?  Hmmmm.     Gay women believe is CASUAL sex.  Even though, straight women become furious at the idea of casual sex. A Femme posted this on her website.  Along with peace and love. Ive noticed how this Lez garbage always speaks directly toward men.   Why is this the case????? In this case,, Girls shouldnt be objects,, nor should they be pressured to have sex with eachother. The usual theme which consists of imagery which deliberately torments the viewer.  These logos are carefully made. Ive noticed how the LEZ garbage is always sexually orientated. Quick Update MYSPACE has erased alot of my pictures.  I thought that they wouldnt bother any private photographs. Just because someone is gay, why must they show this particular side which displays public lust ??? Yea,  I agree,,,  you shouldnt objectify eachother... Why does the media always create FAKE scenes, such as this one ???    This photo is carefully staged. why the big, passionate kiss?  Why must she always be filmed while displaying this lustful behavior ? The Femmes should practice what they preach... Right ???? Yea..... youll notice that Lesbianism becomes a full-time occupation. this proves that Feminsm is big business,  and they have the resources to make their items, emblems, and what have you. Forced Lesbianism is Feminazi doctrine... A threesome, right?   One of them is NOT gay... but, its the same situation. Forced Lesbianism  this is somewhat of an arrogant remark.  However, agreed We should all prevent Feminists from objectifying eachother. This is a more severe version of Women Are Not Objects. This is an old form of inequality.....    shes not interested in me... Ive erased several dozen pics which were very abusive.  It was foolish of me to destroy the evidence. A feminazi website posted this ...  mother,  daughter, and a severed penis... these Feminazis sure are redundant and obsessive...  Theyve created several thousand similar pictures.. Totally idiotic.  But, this type of material can be found on FEMINAZI sites.  Ironically, those Femmes are Ugly too. ahhh,  two young girls kissing, and there just happens to be some big words on the screen.  Where they naturally there ??? NOPE ahh,  the stage is a proper time for 2 girls to have sex...  COuldnt they wait until later ?????? The worst photographs were removed from this site.  They were truly wicked. This is an UNBIASED poster for homosexuality.  These portrayals are RARE, as virtually all are from women, not for men. ahh,,  these idiots are on stage, and they get the sudden urge to smooch one another.    No way. virtually all logos and animation are geared toward bisexual women and Not bisexual men.. notice how the Lesbian theme ALWAYS has sexual connotations.     

"White people are choosing to have less kids"???
        ...."Europeans are deciding to stay single" ????
        "White women nowadays don't wanna have children" ?????
  if anyone believes that Europeans are marrying less because of Personal choice...
           THINK AGAIN.

  We're bombarded by endless propaganda which dictates social standards.
  Basically; the Communists have hijacked our culture.
   And, amongst all else; they've engineered a lesser humanity.
   Slowly deconstructing society, until the dispossessed simply fade away.
 BUT WAIT !!   Luckily, they never anticipated The Internet.
  They censored Television.
They controlled Mainstream Media.
They own our Newspapers & Magazines.
They own Hollywood,  
as well as, The Music Industry & Radio.

..but, they couldn't control The Internet.

Now, take a look at the subversive messages:  Women are being told that "having children will ruin their life".    Or that it's better to Copulate than to Populate.    Ironically; we're also being told that Massive Immigration enriches European societies.   More strangely yet;  those 3rd World Migrants aren't being told to have less children.     Let's deliver the message for all to hear.   Entire Populations are being actively brainwashed by The Media.    And, they're deliberately steering you into the wrong direction.
  LIES!   and False Information!

Aside from the constant onslaught of propaganda we've seen in the above photographs;

we're also surrounded by daily news articles which obsessively focus on Radical Feminism:
The following examples can be found within a few short hours.
Just image how much dogma floods the media on any given year.

Bing Google MSN Wikipedia Yahoo Youtube

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