Friday, May 10, 2013

Women having less Babies: Is this a Personal Choice?

      The following article aims to address basic issues.
So, the purpose here is not to present a detailed lecture on the following subject-matter.   {Future blogs will provide complex detail}. 

     Let us ponder the singular most important question spanning a half century.  It's been proposed that European women have decided not to have children.  So, why should anyone complain?  After all, that's their decision, right?  You can't blame her for choosing the lonely path.    Or, could it be.....  there's another force which determines our fate?
  You will quickly learn that our current dilemma has been forced upon us.   And, I will list 6 basic points.

 1)  Scholars have burdened us with propaganda concerning World Population Control.   So, we've been taught to practice responsible child bearing.  It's ironic how those very same leaders secretly promoted massive immigration.

2)  Magazines & television have dictated that Women should withhold having children until after her 40th birthday. Essentially: the Mainstream media has spent five decades withholding important information.   Most women did not realize that her fertility rate drops exponentially at age 35.  And, although she may still get pregnant later in life; it's not easy.

2b) The media has flat out lied to the American & European women.  She's been led to believe that women can produce babies from age 18 until menopause.    Women also subscribed to the "easy pregnancy myth".   According to every publication:
"Whenever pregnancy is desired: she can simply stop taking the pill... ...and a baby magically appears nine months later."   But, little did she realize that Media Moguls were deceiving her.   Nobody realized that Child Bearing is difficult.   [Many older women only learned this when it's already too late]. 

3)  Our mindset is the byproduct of social engineering.    We didn't willingly stray from love, marriage & family.  This propaganda was force upon us.   Literally speaking:  Our entire culture has been thoroughly brainwashed.

4)  Of course; radical feminism has played an important part in deconstructing our society.   This creates disharmony between the sexes.   And, until this very day; gender-relations are met with pure suspicion.   

5) Economic policies which stint growth.    We can no longer afford luxuries.   In previous times; the cost of living was low.  And, the standard of living was high.    In other words; economic hardship discourages Middle Class Couples to instinctively have children.

6)  There's an issue which rarely gets attention.  But, here's the 800-pound Gorilla:  Western Governments have incorporated gender biased laws which discourage men from commitment.   (I've seen lives destroyed over unjust divorce settlements).   It effectively leaves most unmarried men afraid of 'meeting that same fate'. 

7) The Media has dictated which priorities are most important.  She was taught that her career is more important than anything else.  Once again; it's being pushed upon her.  

  [  here's an unforgettable moment in television history:  I'll never forget when a mainstream program invited the home audience to telephone the station.  And, instead of addressing any specific issue; any random thoughts were conveyed.   So, a lady caller began to speak.  And, she burst out crying in tears.  And, her message spoke for three generations of brainwashed women:   "I don't have any children. And, I'm 40.  I was taught to devote my whole life toward career & success.  But, I always wanted to start a family."
  -- Her comment proves exactly what I've been claiming all along.  White women are being controlled by subversive forces.   Oddly, those same Globalists promote spawning births of 3rd World Populations.]

8)  Endless male-bashing in the media.   (This is not exactly the same as Feminism).   We're all familiar with phrases, such as "Battle of the Sexes"  and "Who needs a man, anyway". 

9) We never realized that a group of Communists had already launched Cultural warfare against Western Civilization.   Zionist Groups had kept this information hidden from public's eye.    Yet, Only after 90 years did this information finally disseminate  via The Internet.  
      We had finally heard about a Marxist Organization: The Frankfurt School and their weapon called Critical Theory.  So, there had been a longstanding organized attack all along.   Orchestrated through decades of planning.
Most importantly:

10)  The Mainstream media constantly fuels hatred and discontent.  Every single day of our lives; we're surrounded by propaganda.  Apparently, they're determined to completely ruin our society.  

  It would be impossible to explain how much we've been saturated.
.....but, the following images offer just a few hints........

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